Marketplace Stall Booking Form Step 1 of 2 50% Feel the Force Day welcomes stall holders to be part of the day.Please note before starting the booking process. - Table dimensions are 6ft x 2.5ft - Each standard table costs £75 for the day - Each table with a backing table costs £100 for the day - You can book a maximum of 2 tables - Table types cannnot be mixed and matched - There will not be any access to power at the venue. - Stalls have to be up before 10:30am and can only be taken down after 6:30pm. - Stall locations can not be specified at the venue however good foot flow will be granted to all stall holders. - Charity stalls cannot do any fund raising that isn't for Feel the Force Day. - Feel the Force Day reserves the right to reject stall bookings and will grant immediate refunds if we believe the description of your stall is not in keeping with the nature of the event. First Name*Last Name*Email* Phone*Display Description*Choose Your Stall Type Tables Only Tables with backing table Tables Only QuantityTables are 6ft x 2.5ft Price: £ 75.00 Quantity Tables with backing table QuantityTables are 6ft x 2.5ft Price: £ 100.00 Quantity This field is hidden when viewing the formHow many tables do you need? (Max 2)*Tables are 6ft x 2.5ftPlease enter a number from 1 to 2.This field is hidden when viewing the formHow many tables with a backing table do you need? (Max 2)*Tables are 6ft x 2.5ftPlease enter a number from 1 to 2.This field is hidden when viewing the formOrder QuantityTotal Cost of Stall Price: £ 75.00 Consent* I agree to the stall holder terms stated at the beginning of this form and I agree to be contacted about further details in relation to by stall booking **Sorry** You cannot book more than two stands. Please adjust your order quantitiyCredit Card